Guppy fish are a fine choice for novice aquarists because they are relatively simple to care for. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to note that certain elements must be provided to replicate its natural habitat that allows them to thrive in an aquarium. The following are some key details that could be followed to provide a flourishing habitat for your guppies;

i. Choosing The Right Tank Size
A 10-gallon tank is the best starter size for guppies, as housing them in anything smaller can build up stress, making them prone to diseases while experiencing stunted growth. Also, since guppies prefer occupying near the water surface rather than the bottom of the tank, investing in a tank with a greater length is recommended over concerning much about the tank height. All in all, ensure that the tank volume is at least 10 gallons!
ii. Avoid Harsh Water Movement
Guppies prefer calm water with minimum water movement. Hence, it’s ideal to use low-powered filter systems and air stones to gently diffuse oxygen from air pumps to lower swift water movements otherwise, that makes swimming difficult.
iii. Add Natural Plants
Adding natural plants not only helps replicate its natural environment but they also assist in oxygenating the aquarium water. Moreover, guppies tend to scavenge such plants for food, allowing them to gather essential nutrients. Varieties of natural plants that could be used for a guppy tank are; Java Moss, Hydrilla, and Anubias plants.
iv. Branches & Decorations
Guppies love loitering amongst branches and decorations as they add a sense of their natural environment. Furthermore, branches and decorations offer surfaces for algae growth which are often later consumed by guppies.
v. Lighting
Guppies are exposed to direct/ indirect sunlight depending on the location of their natural habitat. Likewise, this can be replicated by using aquarium lighting during the day and switching it off at night to provide darkness. This allows guppy fish to swim and navigate around the tank during the day and sleep comfortably at nighttime!
vi. Water Parameters
Maintaining water parameters such as water temperature and pH similar to ones of their natural habitats allows guppies to thrive and stay healthy.
vii. Avoid Aggressive Tank Mates
Although guppies are a peaceful species, all other fish may not be as calm. Aggressive tank mates that chase, nib, or attack guppies should always be kept away to prevent any harm and the building of stress. Some ideal tankmates for guppy fish are; zebra danios, platy fish, and molly. While there are many other fish varieties compatible with guppies, it’s important to avoid housing any fish that can potentially harm them, as it could even cause death.
Final Thoughts
Following the above factors will assist in providing a thriving aquarium for guppies but, it’s essential to note that certain other elements such as tank maintenance and feeding routines must be considered too. Overall, despite following all these may sound complicated at first, it would gradually be simple which is all part of the fish-keeping hobby!